Yes, we have placed a variety of roles with our international clients in locations including Singapore, Hong Kong, China and PNG.
When you apply for a job with us we will endeavour to respond within 48 hours. If you are invited for interview your details will be loaded onto our database for ongoing contact or until you request your information to be withdrawn. If you are unsuccessful we welcome you to apply for other advertised roles that interest you.
Yes. We’re constantly monitoring salary trends both nationally and locally, so we’ll be able to ensure that your salary expectations are realistic and in-line with the market overall. We will also work with you and the client to negotiate a package that everyone is comfortable with.
Temping is a fantastic opportunity to explore the employment market and to broaden your skills and experience by working for a variety of companies. As a temp, you are employed by Optimum Consulting and you will be in regular contact with your consultant to ensure the assignment runs smoothly. As a temp, you are a “casual” employee and in most cases, you will be paid an hourly rate. Temp jobs can range from a one day assignment through to twelve months or longer as required. It is important to note that although we endeavour to agree timeframes with you and our clients, sometimes temporary roles end sooner than expected. If this occurs our consulting team will work hard to help you find another role. If you have any issues during your assignment, always call your Optimum Consultant first to discuss and we will try to solve the problem as effectively and respectively as possible.
Following changes to the laws around 457 Visas in 2008, we are no longer able to offer third party sponsorship to candidates. However, some employers will still consider sponsoring you direct – ask your Consultant for more information.
Your consultant will work in partnership with you and together you will agree the appropriate level of contact during the initial interview. We encourage regular contact to keep you abreast of the current market. Our job is to facilitate your job search and provide sound career advice and open doors to our vast network of clients.
Once you are interviewed and registered with us, your Consultant will contact you to discuss any new roles that match your skills and experience, however we also recommend you keep in regular contact with your consultant. Keep us updated with your job search!
Absolutely. We can provide you with tips and guidelines, and will talk through your interview preparation before you go to your appointment. We’ll also provide feedback on your current CV and help you to get it into shape.
Not at all. Employers using our services pay our fees, there are no charges to candidates.