Many organisations are experiencing pressure on revenues and accounts receivable, which in turn is placing pressure on staffing levels and salaries.  If the decision to reduce staff is made, we have developed a range of cost-effective downsizing and outplacement services options to support you.

Our attention to detail, consistent delivery, empathy and transparent approach ensures your departing employees receive the level of service they deserve.

“Despite the circumstances, the company still looked after me!”.

With our downsizing and outplacement services, we, at Optimum Consulting, offer a modern Outplacement methodology that combines technology with our traditional empathetic, qualitative ‘human touch’ approach. It incorporates support and advice across five key themes:
  • Change Barometer

  • Know Yourself

  • Continue to Excel

To achieve the cost-effectiveness that these times require, we have created our own proprietary CAREER SUPPORT PORTAL known as Fllair.  Upon joining, individuals gain access to tools, tips and expert advice across Job Search, Career Development, Leadership Success and Wellbeing At Work.

Fllair enables us to provide a value to your employees long after the program is completed.