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I’m Available Immediately……But!

I’m available immediately…. But, I have a 2 week notice period….. As a Recruitment Consultant, I deal with people’s notice periods on a daily basis. It makes up one of the ‘must ask’ questions in every interview. It is an important part of the process and a vital piece of information that can sometimes make

The Art of Interview Preparation

It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who are either ill-prepared or in fact not prepared at all for an interview. I am not speaking about a “knowledge of the job” or company they are interested in, but more presentation. Particularly senior executives who have placed little attention on the detail of

Is It Time For A Career Change?

I attended a breakfast event not long ago when I saw a short video that resonated with me. The video was an advertising campaign by Seek looking at employee satisfaction and how we can live and achieve more fulfilling and productive working lives. The video also encourages people to reflect on their work choices and

5 Ways To Nail A Phone Screen

For most of us who are either working or looking for work, there are two things that we have all done in our employment life. First, you have submitted your resume and applied for a role; Second, you have uploaded your resume to a career resume database website. Either way, your contact details are uploaded,

Want A New Job? 3 Tips To Make It Easier

Okay, so it’s time to find a new job.  You are ready for the next chapter in your career.  Your decision may have been coming for some time, or maybe you received a headhunt call out of the blue and you’ve decided to pursue a specific opportunity, or maybe your hand has been forced by

TRP vs TVP – What’s Really Important When It Comes to Remuneration?

What are your current salary expectations? What was your previous remuneration package? Let’s talk about your yearly salary review….. All topics of conversation that make a lot of people squirm! TRP or Total Remuneration Package is the term that a lot of people in today’s job market use. They can be made up of a

Is The Future In Contingent?

Contingent Workforce’s, here is a concept that seems to be becoming more common place in the 2016 employment market. A vaguely similar idea of mercenaries has been around for centuries fighting battles under emperors who they have no real respect or affiliation to. My first introduction to this was watching the 2004 Hollywood film “Troy”

Career Choices

“When I grow up I want to be a …” Remember talking to your friends in primary school, confidently telling them what you were going to do when you grew up? If so, answer this.  Are you doing it now? Well, I’m not a Truck Driver, nor do I have a truck licence for any

To Quit Or Not To Quit… That Is The Question!

Some people value loyalty when it comes to their job.  I am one of those people. I stayed in my previous job for more than 5 years and had been building my career over time.  I started as a receptionist and I can truly say I loved my job.  Then one by one my superiors