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Memory and Team Performance

Is relying on memory damaging the experience and performance of your team? Many years ago I found myself moving into a Senior Leadership position in a fast-growing global company.  At the time I was horribly unprepared for the experience and essentially had to make things up as I was going along.  It seems learning on

Tips to Mould your Path in HR – From a Recent Graduate.

We all have dreams of careers as kids. Going through high school, the biggest question posed at me was: “What will you be studying at university?” My dreams for a career started with wanting to be a Doctor or a Lawyer. Yes, far-fetched, bold and typical, I know. However, in those days, not so long

7 Hot Tips for Career Reflection

This is a bit of a personal reflection moment but the theme of career reflection is common at certain milestones, it is human nature! My personal situation is that I have just rolled over the 3 years of employment mark in my current company and I find myself reflecting on my current role; the last

Will Artificial Intelligence make the PM’s job redundant?

I must admit, I am a little torn when it comes to deciding how I feel about yet another Australian Prime Minister not serving out a full term.  Sure it reveals Australia would at least make the finals if there were a Most Dysfunctional Government award, which is certainly saying something given the competition around

Setting the right goals – the difference between success and failure.

I recently watched a TED talk where the topic was “Why the secret to success is setting the right goals”. This is a hot topic for most managers and employees right now and is the forefront of a number of HR and people conversations. The biggest thing I took out of the talk was that

How To Run A Marathon

A couple of weeks ago I returned from a quick overseas trip to Hawaii. While I was there, my brother messaged me asking if I would be interested in running a marathon at the end of October. My first answer was no – while I have some level of fitness and a distant memory of

It’s not who you think!

Every company, division, team and even individual looks at potential risks within their day-to-day movements. Risks can be present everywhere you look, from crossing the street to making a decision on an acquisition or deciding to implement a new system across your division. Risks are all around us vary in degree of seriousness. But is

More Resilient Than Plastic.

Ok, let’s talk about this ban on single use plastic bags. There seems to be various reactions to this new rule that some major supermarkets and outlets have implemented. Some Australians are happy that the big stores have begun to take a more environmentally friendly step. Others are downright angry and so annoyed that their

Why you should hire someone over age 55

Unconscious bias happens to many of us. But, does age-old experience get in the way of securing your Mr or Mrs Right? Here’s why you need over 55’s on your payroll. Anyone in the business knows that recruiting takes time and money. Creating a position description and job advertisement, marketing the position, fielding through applications,