As a Recruitment Consultant there is nothing more frustrating than going through the process with candidates who change their minds like they change their underwear. There have been too many times when candidates haven’t set clear and concise expectations of their job search from the first meeting with their consultant. This can negatively impact their chances of obtaining their desired position. Setting these expectations is not just for the consultants benefit, but also for the candidates as it ensures both the candidate and consultant have a clear path to work with.
As recruitment consultants, we drive the process and invest time in our candidates. By preparing before meeting with your consultant and doing your research, you are better able to clearly articulate your expectations. Some key areas to consider are:
Salary expectations – How flexible can you be? If you are currently on $80 000 and an opportunity at $75 000 opened up offering career progression, would you take it?
Location – How flexible are you on this? Decide on the radius in which you are willing to travel and if you are willing to compromise. For example if you have decided that you are looking for a role in the CBD, would you consider a role on the CBD fringe if the salary was higher or if it provided onsite parking?
Industry – How important is this to you? If you tell your consultant that you are only interested in the mining sector, but are secretly considering opportunities in financial services, you are limiting your options. By being open with your consultant and being prepared to be guided by their expertise, you will broaden your levels of opportunity.
Temporary or permanent? – This is where you should consider all options. Permanent is your goal though you have just been made redundant. If in four weeks time you are still on the market, would you consider a temporary position? On the temporary side, think about whether this will give you industry experience, system exposure or offer long term benefits.
Communicate with your consultant and keep them up to date. If your job status changes or you are willing to broaden your search, your consultant should be the first person you call. By knowing what category candidates fit into will resolve any red flags before beginning the recruitment process. Invest in your relationship with your consultant and make your expectations transparent. They can then help find your ideal position in less time.
Mikahla Smith – Consultant