One of the most effective and easiest ways to earn more money is to ask for it, right? Easier said than done. Asking for a pay rise can feel uncomfortable, unnatural and just plain awkward. However, it doesn’t need to be. Keep reading for some easy hints and tips to successfully ask for a pay rise.
When should you ask for a pay rise?
Timing is everything! You should ask for a pay rise when you can clearly demonstrate that your duties and responsibilities in your position have grown. Or, if you can clearly show a greater rate of efficiency or increase in revenue generation.
Gathering your evidence
Now that you’ve decided you are going to ask for a pay rise, you need to collate examples as to why you deserve one. What have been your major achievements? What extra duties and responsibilities have you taken on?
You need tangible proof to take to your manager. Do some research as to what your role is valued in the market currently. Use reputable sources such as SEEK insights for instance, this will add legitimacy to your request.
Managers, supervisors, and leaders respond to clearly identified metrics. Think about your KPIs, or, if you do not have clear metrics or KPI’s, think of things such as:
- How do you go above and beyond your position description?
- Are you putting in extra hours before/after work?
- What unique skills/what value do you bring to your role?
- Perhaps you may know how much money you make the company
You need to be able to quantify your contribution as this will make it much easier for your boss to visualize your value to the company.
Getting face time with your manager
You have your evidence; you have your examples. Now that you feel ready, ask for 20-30 minutes of your boss’s time. Do not ambush them, send them a diary invite ahead of time. Make sure you are prepared, go in with notes and your examples written down if need be. It is important that you do not get emotional or come across as entitled. Remain calm, confident and professional. Remember you have your evidence; you are justified in doing this.
I recommend that you have a figure in mind based off the research you did earlier. There is no use plucking a random number from the sky that is a ridiculous amount higher than what you are earning now. You will just come across as unprofessional and unreasonable, usually a 10%-20% increase is a sensible amount to ask for but be open to negotiation.
Now that you have some time with your manager this is also a fantastic opportunity to ask them for some feedback. Ask them for their advice on areas that you can make improvements on. This proves to them that you take your work seriously and are wanting to grow.
What to do if you don’t get a pay rise
If your manager tells you “no”. Do not get upset or emotional. Simply ask them what you need to do in order to receive your desired pay, take notes and be responsive. Acknowledge the feedback and come across as appreciative. Then ask them if you can have another meeting in 6 months’ time to discuss your salary after you have had time to make these adjustments. You will come across as professional, resilient and proactive. It will also increase the chances of you getting a pay rise in the near future.
The Do Nots
Do not offer an ultimatum. Do no say that you’re going to quit or that you have other offers lined up. This can quiet easily backfire, and do not make unreasonable requests. As I mentioned earlier, do your research!!
Should you find a new job if you don’t get a pay rise?
If you genuinely feel your current employer will not live up to their promises; cannot meet your career goals, or feel as if you have not been rewarded with a pay rise when you believe you have earned it, then yes, it might be time to move on.
However, make sure you find a new job before you resign, especially in this current climate. Always exit the company in a polite and professional manner. Keep your reputation intact and do not burn your bridges.
You may also read our oblog on signs you need to find a new job.
Do you need to work harder?
If the only reason you think you deserve a pay rise is “I would really like one” then you should probably hold off on asking for now. If you are racking your brain and can’t think of examples, it may be time to put your head down and put in some hard work. Get involved more within the business. Help your colleagues out. Build your internal brand. Take on more responsibility within the workplace. That way, in 6-12 months’ time, you can go to your manager with a legitimate case.
How can we help you get a pay rise?
Optimum have launched a Career Club through our platform Fllair. You can get one on one advice from our career experts. We can give you tips for success and inform you on the value of your role in the market. We can assist you in progressing your career or assist you in finding that next role that will be the step up you are looking for: