by optimumcon1dev


by optimumcon1dev


The importance for being prepared for online interviews

  Welcome to 2025 and can I say that more than ever the importance of being prepared for any interview is critical. Gone are the days where candidates are dominating the market (well maybe in some arenas) but generally speaking, clients are now getting shortlists and can pick and choose who they like/want rather than just needing a “bum on the seat to do the job”. More than ever, it is important to take the time to meet your recruitment agency in person but sometimes this is just not viable, so you need to ensure that your online interview, whether it be with your recruitment agency or a potential employer is conducted in the same professionalism as though you are sitting in front of them. I totally get it that you live 45 mins from the city and only 5 mins from the potential opportunity but when I (recruit) interview you – there is nothing worse than meeting you online when you are (a) sitting in an unprofessional environment (please blur your background) or (b) you are sitting in your casual clothes, or worse, beach attire, or you don’t even turn on the camera!! How would you feel if this was you trying to hire the person at the other end? Being organised and prepared for online interviews is key because they often serve as the first point of interaction between you and your recruitment agent or potential employer. In my humble opinion preparation shows professionalism and sets the platform for a strong first impression. First off please make sure you have a stable connection, and you are not glitching in and out – or even worse – using your phone that keeps moving nonstop which makes the person at the other end giddy! It is not hard to be prepared and test all this out prior to the day and time. This also means being in a professional environment. Not in a park or outside somewhere where the background noise can be deafening. Again, if this is difficult to achieve at least blur your background so your interviewer can not see the people behind you or that you are sitting in a McDonalds! Believe me, I have had all sorts of people interview in crazy environments, and to be honest I normally ask to reschedule. If it is a no from them, then my attention and effort to get them a job drops dramatically. Next – be on time. Do not sign in on the dot or heaven forbid late – at least be there 5 minutes beforehand ready to go. I have been told by our clients this is a number one hate for them! The old expression of “First Impressions Count” is very very true. Most interviewers/employers will sum you up in 30 seconds as to whether they like you or not. So, to showcase yourself in the best possible light is very important. Being prepared helps you be more confident in your interview. Do your homework and research who you are meeting, the business you are looking to join and know your resume inside out. I was super impressed the other day when interviewing a candidate for an Accounts Receivable role asked: I see you have been in recruitment for 20+ years and have worked with this client previously – what is your number one tip for me at this interview with the client that will get me across the line? I was initially taken back but on reflection – was like wow – this lady has really done her homework. This made me even keener to get her the job. She will represent Optimum in the best light as well as herself – I would be proud to put her forward. An online interview also has to be about your body language. In person it is a lot easier to read the person and get the feeling for what they are looking for by reading their body language. In a virtual setting non-verbal cues like eye contact and posture are tripled. So again, please think of presentation and background as preparation will help you focus. Below are some real-life examples/experiences we have had at Optimum where candidates have failed an interview, or where they were just not at the level we require for us to represent them due to their own stupidity.

Candidate A

Did not turn on camera, and when asked to comply by interviewer he switched in only on for a few minutes only to see he was sitting in a bathroom? (you can guess what on!!)

Candidate B

Set up to meet the client – Interviewer introduced them both online but was shocked to see she was standing outside by her car. She kept looking back saying she was worried her boss was watching from the window and would not keep her phone still. Alas, client was not impressed and did not proceed with her.

Candidate C

Rushed in late to online interview and did not check lighting and looked like he had a halo above his head and then his face was only lit at the top. Do you think this candidate was put forward?

Candidate D

Was all set up to meet client online and when she connected through did not have her background blurred – she was actually sitting in a strip club and behind her were topless ladies walking past – unfortunately the client did not think this was appropriate and did not offer her the job.

Candidate E

Was sitting on the floor of her bedroom doing the online interview. When it started the door behind her kept opening and closing throughout the interview. As you can imagine this was extremely off-putting as the employer kept wondering who was at the door rather than listening to her responses. Sadly, she did not get the role.

Candidate F

Was meeting one of my colleagues – the online interview was off to a rough start as she was obviously distracted by her other screen. But it went all pear shaped when she got up in the middle of the interview and kept talking while she was off making a coffee. You can imagine she did not make the shortlist for this opportunity. And these examples go on and on and on! I am sure you would have some too. There are so many crazy examples of where candidates would have landed their ideal role as they had the skill set and personality but because they did not take the time or prep for their online interview, they were unsuccessful. So in a “nutshell” – If you really want the job, come prepared, do your homework and be well presented for the opportunity.  

Alicia Sumich Group Manager – Business Development

Alicia is a seasoned Recruitment Consultant with over 15 years’ experience in the Brisbane market….

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