selfcare tips to be productive

Making time for yourself and establishing a good routine of looking after yourself can actually be key in helping you to be more productive in the workplace. You know the old saying, “There are only so many hours in the day” is so true, so why not make the most of your time and achieve maximum output and results. Not so easy to do though when we are all working hard and sometimes it is really difficult to put ourselves first and prioritise our health and well-being. 

Both employers and employees need self care to be successful, and is becoming increasingly acknowledged in companies. Companies need their workplaces to increase productivity, engagement which will increase business success. 

Self-care is a very broad term and will mean different things to all of us. It can be exercise, going for a walk and getting fresh air, getting eight hours of quality sleep per night, a face mask, drinking water, eating healthily and the list goes on. 

Here are some of the most important things that I think contribute to enhanced productivity: 

1. Sleep and Sleep Hygiene 

As I get older, I really value the amount and quality of sleep I have.  If I have an interrupted night’s sleep, I wake up feeling like I have been run over by a bus and I know my day then tends not to be as productive and my concentration span is far less. If I do have a great night’s sleep, by the end of the day, I feel like I have achieved a lot and ticked many boxes.  

Sleep hygiene is also very important so try to avoid looking at your phone at least thirty minutes before bed. 

Reading before bed is also a great destresser, and you will find you fall asleep much quicker. 

2. Drink plenty of water. 

I have started the habit of drinking two to three litres of water per day, and I really feel a difference with it not only helping to lose weight but also keeping my skin clearer and hydrated. I then find I drink far less coffee, and I have also switched to tea. 

3. Exercise. 

Even if it is a walk at lunchtime, the exercise and fresh air will do you wonders. It gets the blood flowing and will actually contribute to a good night’s sleep. I have gotten into a great exercise routine this last year and regardless of my steps, have tried to add in a 30-minute walk. Just by doing that it has taken my daily step count to around 15,000 steps.  

4. Eat Healthy 

Take time out on the weekends to prepare for the week ahead by cooking healthy meals to take to work. You will keep your nutritional intake on point during the week and will save you cooking time when you get home of a night. When I have planned, I tend to find I eat well during the week. It’s all in the planning! 

5. Write a To Do List 

Anyone who knows me well knows I am a big fan of lists! I write lists in the Notes section of my phone each day of things I need to do and want to achieve. These can be small things that you can tick off or delete and it is very satisfying to know you are getting things done. 

6. Socialise 

Spend quality time with family and friends. We are working to live so we should make time for our social connections in our spare time. 

7. Fresh air and sunshine 

This is such a key one. I love walking along the river on my weekends. It clears my head, I get vitamin D and of course, smashing those steps! 

8. Smile! 

Everything is always better when you do it with a smile. It’s infectious and will put you in a better mood. 

You will need to work out which routines work for you and more importantly, what you enjoy doing. Once you establish a routine, self-care will benefit you physically, mentally and emotionally and will increase your daily productivity! 

Divisional Manager

As an ex-Accountant by trade, Marianne started her career in recruitment, initially working for Hays in their accounting support division. Over time, she worked her way up to Accounting Manager, looking after a growing team of consultants, specialising in the placement of temporary and permanent staff in commerce and industry within the accounting and office support areas.

Marianne enjoys building long term relationships with people and watching their careers grow over the years. She joined Optimum Consulting in 2013 as Divisional Manager and is responsible for the overseeing of a great team and to grow and develop it further with talented recruiters and a passion for relationship building.

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