selfcare tips to be productive

Boost Workplace Productivity Through Self-Care Practices

Making time for yourself and establishing a good routine of looking after yourself can actually be key in helping you to be more productive in the workplace. You know the old saying, “There are only so many hours in the day” is so true, so why not make the most of your time and achieve

corporate social responsibility

Why Corporate Social Responsibility is Crucial for Australian Businesses

Last week I was asked by a client how important did I think Corporate Social Responsibility was in Australian Businesses today? Well, in my humble opinion, it is extremely important for any business to move forward.  At Optimum Consulting, we recently learnt a very valuable lesson, as we have not previously broadcast our CSR and

7 Habits to Transform Your Life

Mastering Success: 7 Habits to Transform Your Life

In the journey towards success, it’s not just about the big leaps but also the consistent small steps. Success isn’t an overnight transformation; it’s a culmination of habits, routines, and mindset. Just like drops of water filling a bucket, these habits gradually build momentum, leading to significant achievements. Let’s look into seven habits that can