different types of interview style

Different Types of Interview Styles

When going into an interview it can be daunting not knowing what questions they will ask, what energy they will bring, or what style of interview it will be. There are a variety of interview styles that each recruiter/hiring manager will use depending on their own personality, and the specific role. So here is a

closing the deal - oblog

Closing the deal

Potentially one of the most challenging parts of being a consultant is influencing the candidate to accept the job opportunity.  Especially in the current market where candidates have multiple job opportunities coming at them. It is also a crucial step. You don’t want to lose the candidate you’ve worked so hard to land. One thing

quiet quitting

Don’t be quiet!

There have been some phrases created through the last 2 years relating to the workforce. We of course know “The Great Resignation” there is also “quiet quitting”. is defined as: people who don’t leave their job but instead reject the idea of doing anything above and beyond in the workplace so they can focus on

work under pressure

Top Tips and Tricks to Get Better at Working Under Pressure

We all have stress and pressure in our lives, both personal and work pressures. It seems to be a common theme from both clients and candidates, commenting on how busy they are, and it doesn’t sounds like things are slowing down any time soon. Here are a few handy tips that may help in dealing