How to deal with awkward moments at work!

Are you a recipient of body odour or breath as fresh as a rotten egg? Overheard a conversation that you wish you hadn’t? Here’s how to deal with those cringe worthy moments and keep a positive vibe at work. With the number of hours that we punch out at work, awkward moments are bound to happen

Are You Winning Gold Medals At Work?

As the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games slowly drifts away into history, it got me thinking about what it takes to put in a Gold Medal performance at work and how to replicate high performance again and again. There’s got to be more to work than just getting paid For many in the workforce, they

How to De-stress During the Work Week

I don’t know about you, but I like to make my weeks at work as stress free as possible. While I understand that there are always going to be certain pressures that cannot be avoided, I also am a big believer in the little things that you can do to help calm things down. So,

One Simple Way to Work Smarter, Not Harder!

One trend which has gained a lot of traction over the past few years is the idea of working smarter, not harder. Businesses have started embracing this idea, and it’s difficult to go a day without hearing the phrase mentioned somewhere. The idea of working smarter not harder is great, but the execution of this

Performance, Performance, Performance!!

The time is here (or soon will be) that your HR department will remind you that it is time for you to do your Performance Reviews. Unless you are the lucky people that have changed to a more continuous improvement methodology and performance is a normal. If you are thinking of revamping your performance process